HDD Pictures of Cactuses and succulent plants for indoor growing

Using cactuses in interior room design
Plants for cactus garden ideas should be quite large, firmly fixed in pots and hanging baskets, do not contain brittle branches and, especially, big thorns. Do not use too spreading plants for interior decoration, as well as succulents with fluff and white hairs because this unusual beauty very quickly turns into gray prickly freaks in the dry and often dusty air. Conditions inside the room are very unfavorable for cactuses, so the main task is not to let them grow as long as possible and thereby preserve their decorativeness. Plants placed in the depth of the room should not be watered at all. They are only sprayed and wiped with a damp cloth. The better conditions for cactuses in the interior can be achieved in the hothouses built specially for them in the center of the room or near the walls. Such greenhouses can play the role of an artificial window or dividing wall. Humid air and special lighting allow the plant to grow, but this does not always work out in the absence of natural sunlight. Though it’s good that some species from the rainforests nevertheless can bloom and in such uncomfortable conditions.Optimal soil composition for growing cactuses
The composition of soil for planting cactuses and succulent plants is not so important. The main thing is the structure of soil compound and acidity, as well as the ratio of nutrients and the number of them. Undoubtedly, the absence of various pests and fungi, dangerous for the roots in the soil is vitally important for the plants. Traditionally, either several mixtures or just one "universal", which can be changed by various additives are used for growing cactuses. It has long been proven that all cactuses in collections can be divided into 2 groups:- mountain and desert plants growing in heavy (clay) soils with slightly alkaline or neutral reaction;
- steppe and forest cactuses, usually having branched roots requiring light powdery mixtures with an acidic or slightly acidic reaction.
Pictures of cactus garden ideas is created to be the inspiration of for you. This image was published on July 29, 2024 and published by Lorraine Alice this is fall into the category Garden, the size of image is 700 x 525 and this post has 4 related images. If you have any questions please Contact Us. Hope it could inspire you, our beloved reader in jessecoombs.com, back to article please click Cactuses and succulent plants for indoor growing.
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