HDD Pictures of How to grow and take the right care of succulents

Four common mistakes you may accidentally do when having the succulents
When it comes to growing succulents indoors, we may do certain mistakes that are actually very easy to avoid. The most common ones are:- Watering. Sometimes people do not water succulents enough, which can have irreversible consequences for your plant. When it comes to succulents, in particular, you need to wait for the soil to dry a little bit so you can water them again until all the water comes out of the bottom of your succulent plant pots.
- The soil. If you ever buy potted plants, you know that most of them come in a standard soil, which can work with any kind of plant ever existed. But the thing is, succulents are used to the extreme and rough conditions and natural environments, therefore, need to have a special desert-dweller mix.
- Putting them together. You may have definitely seen the videos where the succulents are beautifully put in tiny dishes altogether. Did you know it was a huge mistake and very bad for such plants? Doing that you will create a competition for your plant, although succulents are not big in size. However, it has to get enough water and food without missing it out.
- Not giving them enough sunlight. When it comes to succulent plants, make sure to give it enough sunlight putting it on the south-facing balcony or window to provide it a natural light.
What to do instead?
After finding out what you can possibly do wrong with your succulent plant, you can do these things instead to make it grow better:- Draining soil. However, during summer days when any soil quickly dries, you are allowed to mix cactus soil with a regular one in order to save enough water in your pot.
- Watering. Succulent plants really love water, however, it does not mean you have to water them as often as you do other plants. Water them again after the soil is dry for just a couple of days.
- Don’t use glass containers. It is definitely not an option of succulents plants as these ones do not like to be in the soggy and raw soil. Moreover, it also means they will not get enough of fresh air necessary for breathing.
Pictures of growing succulents is created to be the inspiration of for you. This image was published on August 13, 2024 and published by Lorraine Alice this is fall into the category Decor, the size of image is 700 x 525 and this post has 12 related images. If you have any questions please Contact Us. Hope it could inspire you, our beloved reader in jessecoombs.com, back to article please click How to grow and take the right care of succulents.
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